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Education Center

July 27, 2022
Birth Brain Damage

Brain damage caused at birth is medical negligence. Parents of a child who suffers brain damage at birth, fear for the future and health of the baby. Severe hemorrhage normally is the result of physical brain trauma. Also, when the brain is deprived of oxygen, it can cause catastrophic brain injury. These two types of […]

July 27, 2022
18 Wheeler Accident

A large truck accident is much more catastrophic than an automobile accident. The 18-wheel trucks normally weight more than 25 times more than the average car. Accidents between 18-wheelers and cars normally results in very serious injuries, including fatalities. According to the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration, there are 333,000 long truck accidents annually.  […]

July 27, 2022
Auto Injury Claim Information

How do I know if I have a case? If you can prove these four things, then you may have a case.  That a legal duty existed. The other party failed to exercise a legal duty. You were injured directly or indirectly because of a breach of duty. There was money lost that can be […]

July 27, 2022
What Medical Malpractice Lawyers Do to Help you

Statistics from the Journal of the American Medical Association state that medical negligence is the third leading cause of death in the country. These shocking statistics highlight the issues around poor treatment and how it can affect both patients and families. Around 225,000 die each year due to medical malpractice, which leaves families in emotional […]

July 27, 2022
Nursing Home Abuse Neglect

Warning Signs of Nursing Home Abuse Nursing home abuse takes many forms, with some less obvious than others. So if your loved one is being abused, you may not notice it at first. Common signs of nursing home abuse include:  Physical Injuries, Repeated falls, Sores or strange marks around the genitals, Unexplained cuts, bruises, or […]

July 27, 2022
Preventing An Auto Accident

Countless individuals die in roadway accidents in the U.S. each year. The bulk of the mishaps that occur involve unfortunate passenger vehicle incidents. The drivers are usually the main cause of car accidents. Other reasons of vehicle collisions include bad weather and complicated road conditions.  It is imperative for vehicle owners while driving to be […]

July 27, 2022
Slip and Fall 101

WHAT TO DO AFTER A SLIP AND FALL  As soon as possible after the slip and fall, you should obtain medical treatment.  Prompt medical treatment will show that you were injured and will help the credibility of your claim.  You should inspect the area where you fell.  You should be able to determine the cause of the fall.  If […]

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