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Hospital Malpractice in New Mexico

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Hospital Malpractice in New Mexico

August 4, 2023

Sustaining damages due to the negligence of a hospital can be an emotionally traumatizing experience.  Some may sustain permanent conditions that will affect the rest of their lives, while others may lose their lives.

When a victim experiences damages due to malpractice or medication errors in hospitals, you are able to bring a hospital negligence case against that hospital, nurse, or other medical provider or facility.  The victims of medical malpractice or medication administration errors at a hospital’s hands, including their families, can be deeply affected by the injuries sustained.  Many of these people may require ongoing therapy and long-term care.  With severe injuries, victims may lose income from being unable to work. 

In hospital malpractice or hospital negligence cases, the injured party must prove that the hospital was negligent in practicing below the standard of care, resulting in and causing damages.  Allowing an expert hospital negligence attorney to handle your claim is essential to ensuring that all resources are utilized to present the strongest case for receiving maximum compensation for your injuries. 


Cases of hospital malpractice or medical malpractice vary in cause and type.  We can thoroughly investigate the circumstances surrounding your injury to determine what parties can be held accountable for negligence or medical malpractice.

Some common cases in which a hospital may be held responsible for malpractice include:

  • Falls
  • Wrong site surgeries
  • Improper training of staff
  • Inadequate staff
  • Improper maintenance of medical equipment
  • Improper use of medical equipment
  • Inexperienced staff
  • Surgical Errors
  • Failure to order proper tests
  • Medication errors
  • Anesthesia mistakes
  • Failure to stabilize a critical patient
  • Retained surgical sponges
  • Misdiagnosis
  • Failure to consult a specialist

Most important things to do in a case of Hospital Malpractice

If you or a loved one has been the victim of hospital malpractice or medical negligence, do the following:

  • Get the name and address of all parties involved
  • Get the insurance information for all parties involved
  • Get copies of all relevant medical records and get originals, or at least copies, of all your diagnostic testing
  • Get the name, address, and phone number of any witnesses
  • Call Attorney Tim Chelpaty, a Medical Malpractice Lawyer in Las Cruces, to learn and protect your legal rights.
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